Hatherleigh, which is one of our Devon Nursing Home have been experimenting with different types of music and creative ways to enjoy them this month. In other nursing homes, you might find everyone sat around in a circle listening to the same track, but family members at Hatherleigh can enjoy time together whilst all listening to their own favourites, if they’d like to.
Jan Ramirez, a team member at Hatherleigh Nursing Home, told us: “we’ve been really enjoying using music therapy here at Hatherleigh recently. Whilst music can bring so many benefits, for some of our family members, loud, live music can be difficult. With our introduction of personal MP3 players with headphones and CD players in bedrooms, we’re all able to join in and listen to our favourite music, whilst still spending time together.”
Jan continued: “We all know that feeling when a song starts up and transports us back to a particular time and puts a smile on our face; it’s been wonderful to see the positive impact that this project has had!”
Hatherleigh Nursing Home cares for individuals with residential and nursing needs. If you would like to find out more about living or working at Hatherleigh please call 0017 287 2566 or email arrangingsupport@hatherleighnursinghome.com